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Intrinsiq Support: Online Booking Forms

Published Bernice on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 12:00 AM

Intrinsiq Support: Online Booking Forms

Many schools use online booking forms. However, the question that frequently arises is: Are schools using booking forms in the most advantageous way possible? Here are some questions that we generally ask to our clients in order to identify whether they can use online booking forms more efficiently:

  • As a school, do you have a system in place which enables you to track potential students? 
  • Can you track those who started filling out your online form and then stopped at one point during the process? 
  • Does your online booking form allow you to follow up with your direct enquiries, or even to collect reports on direct bookings? 
  • And most importantly, does your online booking form give you all of the above at just the click of a button?

If you’ve answered ‘No’ to any of the above questions, you need Intrinsiq!

At Intrinsiq, we have a solution that can provide you with integrated, branded forms for schools that captures and delivers the data directly to the management dashboard. Here’s how we do it!

We help you to build your customer base

Our system helps you to collect valuable information, in a totally legitimate way, about potential future customers from your integrated online booking form.

We help you to identify what your potential students are interested in

If a potential student stops filling out the booking form at any stage, the system will highlight exactly where the student stopped, hence giving Admin and Marketing teams important info as to why the booking stopped at that particular stage. Being able to follow the customer along his/her booking journey is a very important way of analysing what prompts them to stop or continue. 

We help you to generate important reports 

The system is able to generate reports and to collect valuable data at the click of a button, which helps different teams in the office a great deal and helps them save a lot of time on building and preparing Marketing reports.

Which online booking forms does Intrinsiq integrate with?

We strongly recommend using Jotform, however, Intrinsiq can integrate with pretty much any online booking form software.

Did you know that we’re also giving 9 months FREE hosting right now?

So what are you waiting for? If you wish to find out about what Intrinsiq can do for you, send us a message on [email protected] to set up an appointment with our team.


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